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May 2013

Found 2 blog entries for May 2013.

Admiralty House Unit For Sale

This week's hot listing of the week is a Marco Island beachfront condo.  People come from around the world to see the white sand and stunning sunsets of our crescent beach.  No doubt, this world-wide demand can make Marco Island beachfront property a little more pricey than some other Florida towns.  Occationally, though, you can find a steal and when you do, you need to move.  Itchiest trigger finger wins.

So, why is this condo getting so much attention?  It's only $315,000, that's why.  Now, if you watch beachfront condo prices, you know this is a pretty good price for a 1 bedroom condo.  This is a two bedroom condo, one of the most popular high rises on the beach, Admiralty House.  Admiralty House is a pristine, architectural

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One of the great real estate myths on Marco Island is that you can only sell property during our tourist season which is January through March.  Sure, the population of our little island triples in those months and sales are strong but the data tells a different story.  Selling off-season is a great strategy.

The numbers may surprise you.  First, let's compare the number of homes sold in the first half of 2012 with the number in the second half.  Bear in mind that the first half includes not only our busiest months of January, February and March but also April, May and June which are the months in which closings of sales made during those busy months often fall.  On the contrary, the second half of the year includes the holiday months of November

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